5 Fire Pit Safety Basics

Construction & Contractors Blog

While summertime can often lead to enjoyable marshmallow roasting sessions with your fire pit, it can also bring dry weather that increases fire danger in your region. Both personal safety considerations and wildfire prevention require some precautions when using your fire pit. Here are a few basic principles to remember.

Start With a Well-Constructed Fire Pit

A fire pit designed with fire safety in mind should be your first objective when planning a safe outdoor fire. For instance, a fire pit should be placed far from all structures, have a spark guard, and include a wide swath of non-flammable material (such as concrete) around the pit itself. These and other safety features can reduce the likelihood of hazardous situations.

Keep Flammable Materials Away

Even if you have a wide area of stone or concrete around the pit, you still need to be careful not to bring flammable materials into the vicinity. For instance, don't stack a pile of kindling against the outside of the firepit. And make sure that everyone enjoying the fire is wearing non-flammable clothing and has their hair tied up out of the way.

Avoid Accelerants

Keeping the fire under control is one of the basic requirements for fire safety. Although some fires can be difficult to get started, you should avoid using accelerants such as gasoline, since these can easily cause the situation to get out of control and could even result in significant personal injury.

Never Leave the Fire

Never leaving a fire unattended sounds like common sense. However, someone may mistakenly do this if they think the fire is out but it's really still smoldering. To ensure that your fire is actually all the way out before you leave it, wait until it seems to be out, then add water, sand or dirt to completely smother the fire. Alternatively, use a snuffer designed for your fire pit.

Prepare for Problems

While preparing to avoid problems is important, you should also prepare to handle any problems that arise. Keep a fire extinguisher with your firepit, and have some other useful items such as a pail of sand as a backup in case you need to extinguish any flaming objects.

These basics can help you avoid some fire pit problems and be prepared for others that may arise. Be sure to educate yourself on safety needs for the type of fire pit you're using (for instance, the safety tips for a gas fire pit may differ from those mentioned here, which are for a wood fire).


21 September 2020

A Great Build

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